главная/Javascript: криптографический алгоритм Rail Fence Cipher для шифрования строк
Криптография алгоритм шифрования строки js

Javascript: криптографический алгоритм Rail Fence Cipher для шифрования строк

Криптографический алгоритм Rail Fence Cipher он же зигзагообразный шифр, служит для того что-бы кодировать строки путем перестановки букв.

Работа скрипта начинается с левого верхнего угла и далее следует по диагонали.

Помимо строки для шифрования нам потребуется указать количество так называемых рельс, достигнув которого скрипт будет менять свое зигзагообразное направление.

Визуализация алгоритма шифрования

  • Строка для шифрования: WE ARE DISCOVERED. FLEE AT ONCE
  • Количество рельс: 3
W . . . E . . . C . . . R . . . L . . . T . . . E
. E . R . D . S . O . E . E . F . E . A . O . C .
. . A . . . I . . . V . . . D . . . E . . . N . .

Ниже в статье вы найдете две основные функции для шифровки и расшифровки: encodeRailFenceCipher и decodeRailFenceCipher, а также сопутствующие функции и константы.

Javascript алгоритм Rail Fence Cipher

 * @typedef {string[]} Rail
 * @typedef {Rail[]} Fence
 * @typedef {number} Direction

 * @constant DIRECTIONS
 * @type {object}
 * @property {Direction} UP
 * @property {Direction} DOWN
const DIRECTIONS = { UP: -1, DOWN: 1 };

 * Builds a fence with a specific number of rows.
 * @param {number} rowsNum
 * @returns {Fence}
const buildFence = (rowsNum) => Array(rowsNum)
  .map(() => []);

 * Get next direction to move (based on the current one) while traversing the fence.
 * @param {object} params
 * @param {number} params.railCount - Number of rows in the fence
 * @param {number} params.currentRail - Current row that we're visiting
 * @param {Direction} params.direction - Current direction
 * @returns {Direction} - The next direction to take
const getNextDirection = ({ railCount, currentRail, direction }) => {
  switch (currentRail) {
    case 0:
      // Go down if we're on top of the fence.
      return DIRECTIONS.DOWN;
    case railCount - 1:
      // Go up if we're at the bottom of the fence.
      return DIRECTIONS.UP;
      // Continue with the same direction if we're in the middle of the fence.
      return direction;

 * @param {number} targetRailIndex
 * @param {string} letter
 * @returns {Function}
const addCharToRail = (targetRailIndex, letter) => {
   * Given a rail, adds a char to it if it matches a targetIndex.
   * @param {Rail} rail
   * @param {number} currentRail
   * @returns {Rail}
  function onEachRail(rail, currentRail) {
    return currentRail === targetRailIndex
      ? [...rail, letter]
      : rail;
  return onEachRail;

 * Hangs the characters on the fence.
 * @param {object} params
 * @param {Fence} params.fence
 * @param {number} params.currentRail
 * @param {Direction} params.direction
 * @param {string[]} params.chars
 * @returns {Fence}
const fillEncodeFence = ({
}) => {
  if (chars.length === 0) {
    // All chars have been placed on a fence.
    return fence;

  const railCount = fence.length;

  // Getting the next character to place on a fence.
  const [letter, ...nextChars] = chars;
  const nextDirection = getNextDirection({

  return fillEncodeFence({
    fence: fence.map(addCharToRail(currentRail, letter)),
    currentRail: currentRail + nextDirection,
    direction: nextDirection,
    chars: nextChars,

 * @param {object} params
 * @param {number} params.strLen
 * @param {string[]} params.chars
 * @param {Fence} params.fence
 * @param {number} params.targetRail
 * @param {Direction} params.direction
 * @param {number[]} params.coords
 * @returns {Fence}
const fillDecodeFence = (params) => {
  const {
    strLen, chars, fence, targetRail, direction, coords,
  } = params;

  const railCount = fence.length;

  if (chars.length === 0) {
    return fence;

  const [currentRail, currentColumn] = coords;
  const shouldGoNextRail = currentColumn === strLen - 1;
  const nextDirection = shouldGoNextRail
    : getNextDirection(
      { railCount, currentRail, direction },
  const nextRail = shouldGoNextRail ? targetRail + 1 : targetRail;
  const nextCoords = [
    shouldGoNextRail ? 0 : currentRail + nextDirection,
    shouldGoNextRail ? 0 : currentColumn + 1,

  const shouldAddChar = currentRail === targetRail;
  const [currentChar, ...remainderChars] = chars;
  const nextString = shouldAddChar ? remainderChars : chars;
  const nextFence = shouldAddChar ? fence.map(addCharToRail(currentRail, currentChar)) : fence;

  return fillDecodeFence({
    chars: nextString,
    fence: nextFence,
    targetRail: nextRail,
    direction: nextDirection,
    coords: nextCoords,

 * @param {object} params
 * @param {number} params.strLen
 * @param {Fence} params.fence
 * @param {number} params.currentRail
 * @param {Direction} params.direction
 * @param {number[]} params.code
 * @returns {string}
const decodeFence = (params) => {
  const {
  } = params;

  if (code.length === strLen) {
    return code.join('');

  const railCount = fence.length;

  const [currentChar, ...nextRail] = fence[currentRail];
  const nextDirection = getNextDirection(
    { railCount, currentRail, direction },

  return decodeFence({
    currentRail: currentRail + nextDirection,
    direction: nextDirection,
    code: [...code, currentChar],
    fence: fence.map((rail, idx) => (idx === currentRail ? nextRail : rail)),

 * Encodes the message using Rail Fence Cipher.
 * @param {string} string - The string to be encoded
 * @param {number} railCount - The number of rails in a fence
 * @returns {string} - Encoded string
export const encodeRailFenceCipher = (string, railCount) => {
  const fence = buildFence(railCount);

  const filledFence = fillEncodeFence({
    currentRail: 0,
    direction: DIRECTIONS.DOWN,
    chars: string.split(''),

  return filledFence.flat().join('');

 * Decodes the message using Rail Fence Cipher.
 * @param {string} string - Encoded string
 * @param {number} railCount - The number of rows in a fence
 * @returns {string} - Decoded string.
export const decodeRailFenceCipher = (string, railCount) => {
  const strLen = string.length;
  const emptyFence = buildFence(railCount);
  const filledFence = fillDecodeFence({
    chars: string.split(''),
    fence: emptyFence,
    targetRail: 0,
    direction: DIRECTIONS.DOWN,
    coords: [0, 0],

  return decodeFence({
    fence: filledFence,
    currentRail: 0,
    direction: DIRECTIONS.DOWN,
    code: [],